UT Extension serves the citizens of Unicoi County with educational programs in the areas of Agriculture, Family and Consumer Sciences, Community Resource Development, and 4-H Youth Development. We are an outreach branch of the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, providing research-based solutions and information to the citizens of Tennessee.
The Unicoi County Extension Office is located in the Unicoi County courthouse. Our office hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm daily. To request information or assistance, please call 423-735-1637 or you can reach our staff via email.
Chris Mackey, ANR Agent/County Director: cmackey@utk.edu
Melissa Shelton, 4-H Agent: mshelt20@utk.edu
Tracy Chandler, FCS Agent: tracychandler@utk.edu
Anjanette Hilemon, Adm. Support Asst.: chilemon@utk.edu